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    IPANEX is an admixture designed for waterproofing concrete in an entire structure of concrete, eliminating the need for membranes or other coating alternatives.

is a chemical admixture formulated for concrete waterproofing, corrosion control of concrete, and provides maximum protection against corrosion. No matter how aggressive the environment, IPANEX protects an entire concrete structure by being added directly to any mix design.

Our projects stand the test of time, as IPANEX has been used in thousands of infrastructure projects to waterproof concrete over the past 30 years, such as:

- Bridge Decks and Roadways
- Wastewater Treatment Plants
- Dams, Tunnels, Sewer Systems
- Parking Garages and Parking Decks
- Inlets, Box Culverts, and Manholes
- Commercial Buildings
- Stadiums, Aquariums, etc...

IPANEX is a complex alkaline earth silicate admixture that chemically reacts with portland cement to improve the physical and chemical properties of concrete in all stages of development.

IPANEX improves the concrete in any structure by:
  • Increasing durability of concrete
  • Extending service life
  • Reducing permeability of concrete
  • Protecting against reinforcement corrosion

IPANEX.....what's in your concrete?  If you don't know, maybe it's time to ask.  When you want to waterproof concrete, there is really only one choice.  The choice that has proven over time to protect concrete structures: